Sunday, May 1, 2016

Movie Review - "Idiocracy" 01/25/07 GER

This is a movie review for "Idiocracy" released January 25, 2007 in Germany. Viewed via streaming online. Can't recall why we watched this, honestly.


Luke Wilson ("Legally Blonde" (2001) Emmett, "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" (2006) Matt Saunders ) -  Joe Bauers
Maya Rudolph  (Saturday Night Live (2000-2015), "Grown Ups" (2010) Deanne McKenzie) -     Rita
Dax Shepard ("Zathura: A Space Adventure" (2005) Astronaut, "Parenthood" (TV Series, 2010-2015) Crosby Braverman) - Frito
Terry Crews ("Norbit" (2007) Big Jack Latimore, "The Expendables" (2010) Hale Caesar) -  President Camacho

Average woman (prostitute Rita) and average man (military grunt Joe Bauers) of average intelligence in the year 2005 are chosen for a military experiment: stasis chambers. However, the project is a "need to know" only clearance and the stasis chambers are forgotten. The building that they are in is destroyed and, eventually, they both are dislodged from the piles of garbage building up and wake in 2505. Humans have gotten dumber and these two (of average intelligence in 2005) are now the smartest people on Earth. Dust storms, mounting garbage, famine, and other symptoms of stupidity run rampant through the world. Can Joe, the smartest man on Earth, save humanity?

The one thing that caught my attention, and I find this to be true, is the opening of the movie (in my opinion).

Those who have lower intelligence tend to have more children whereas those with higher intelligence tend to have very few. Makes me wonder if the world will dumb down over the years even more and make us into a more stupid society?
On a side note, if you don't want kids, wear a condom and take your pills. Don't just spread your legs open and f**k. And men, you are responsible for this too! Men, wear your condoms also!

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around – characters, music, theme, storyline, etc.

1/5 - I will not give this movie the honor of getting fully reviewed because it is so idiotic after they wake up from the stasis pods. Up to that point, it is good, but after? Forget it! If I had watched this in a movie theater or rented it, I would have wanted my money back.  The only thing I liked was the comparison between high IQ couples and low IQ couples at the beginning, but that theme/tone did not go through the whole movie, which was disappointing. They did touch on that theme again saying *SPOILER* that Joe had two intelligent kids whereas Frito had 30 really dumb kids, but that was all.

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