Monday, March 25, 2019

Movie Review: "Pet Sematary II" 08/28/92

This review is for the movie "Pet Sematary II", released August 28, 1992. We watched this on Hulu.



Edward Furlong                    Jeff Matthews
Anthony Edwards                 Chase Matthews
Clancy Brown                       Gus Gilbert
Jared Rushton                      Clyde Parker
Darlanne Fluegel                  Renee Hallow
Jason McGuire                     Drew Gilbert


Jeff's mom (Renee Hallow) is killed when an electrical current catches her on the set of a movie film where she was standing in water and her hands were on a metal fence. Unable to save her, Jeff is standing off to the side watching her death. Afterwards, he and his father Chase (that had been divorced from Renee) moved to the "quiet" town of Ludlow, Maine, where Renee had grown up. All of Renee's thing were put in the attic, Chase opened up the veterinary office as he is one, and Jeff goes to school in town. He meets Drew and becomes friends, though Drew's stepfather Gus is a total jerk to the kids and is also the local sheriff. Bullies come along and make life worse. How worse can it get?

Try having the terrible stepfather Gus shoot Drew's dog (Zowie). Drew and Jeff bury the dog back in the pet sematary, having heard of the rumors that the grounds could perform miracles. The dog comes back to life, though acting strange and no veterinary method shown of healing from his wounds. Why? The pet cemetery. What could go worse? Will the kids just leave the cemetery as is or will they try to use it for other means, like Jeff's mom?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

2.5/5 - Honestly, this movie was not that great of a movie. As a stand alone movie, it was very lacking. As a sequel, it did not do the first movie any justice. Sure, you have the same exact town and there is at least one person that recognizes that the cemetery is evil but why did the rest of the town not say something about it? Oh, we have to mourn the death of our local celebrity but not tell her mourning family to stay away from the pet cemetery. Seriously.... And why have the stepfather of the kid be such an asshole? Sorry but he was absolutely terrible. I was not upset when he died but was rather upset when they buried him out there. Those that rise from that ground are at least twice as evil as they were in the life before so bury him in the regular cemetery, kid! Dumb! No wonder the jerk came back to kill him and his mom. But somehow Jeff's mom comes back all normal before she goes all berserk on the house keeper and locks her son and ex-husband into the attic, which catches on fire. She demands they all stay and die together but fuck that, seriously. You should be looking out for your kid, not asking him to commit suicide/homicide so that you can be together.

As a Stephen King fan, I was disappointed in this. Mind you that it is BASED on his work, not actually written by Stephen King. The first one "Pet Sematary" was written by Stephen King so I guess that's why it can't compare to the first film. The second one was really riding off of the fame from the first one so I wouldn't call it a great movie, especially as a sequel. Thinking on it, maybe it wasn't the best idea to make a sequel in the first place because there isn't much "new" that can be brought to it - same town, same cemetery, but just different characters.

Again I say honestly, stick to the first Pet Sematary movie and leave this one be, unless you want to see a knock-off of the first movie in this one. Save yourself some time; find something else to watch.

That's my review! Thank you for reading. More reviews are to come, so keep an eye out for them.

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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