Thursday, February 22, 2024

Show Review: "Good Omens 2" 2019-2023, Amazon Prime

This is a show review for "Good Omens 2" (second season of "Good Omens" 2019), released 2023. I watched this on Amazon Prime in February 2024.



David Tennant - Crowley
Michael Sheen - Aziraphale
Miranda Richardson - Shax 
Jon Hamm - Gabriel / Archangel Gabriel
Shelley Conn - Beelzebub


Crowley and Aziraphale have tried settling into life after saving the world from the Apocalypse and everything seemed normal until a naked man shows up at the door to Aziraphale's book shop. It is none other than the Archangel Gabriel without his memory. What happened? What's heading our way? Can we solve the mystery of Gabriel's memory being lost before the world (or at least the bookshop) is destroyed?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.

1/5 – Barely worth any time.

2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.

3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.

4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the show.

5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful show all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - *SPOILERS!*

I was so excited to see the second season but it was disappointing. Seriously, wtf was this about! Let me just smack my head against a wall......

Long story short, Gabriel fell in love (is that what it was?) with Beelzebub because they got to know each other after the avoided Apocalypse. Gabriel ended up not approving of a reset of the Apocalypse, so he was demoted from the supreme Archangel status.

Okay, so Archangel Gabriel is demoted. So what? Well, he manages to seal away his memory before Heaven wipes his memory from him. So a brain-wiped ex-Archangel is walking around naked on Earth, in London, to angel Aziraphale's bookshop..... Seriously. And Heaven and Hell are both on a rampage trying to find / find out what happened to Gabriel, so Crowley and Aziraphale do a combination miracle to hide him from both sides. A "small" miracle which turns out to be a major beacon to Heaven that says that there was a massive energy miracle performed at Aziraphale's shop. Aziraphale, upon being questioned by some other angels, plays it off as him trying to make two local shop keepers fall in love (since the record selling gal has a thing for the coffee shop gal). [I'm not even joking..... This is how it went.]

So the episodes have Aziraphale running around trying to solve Gabriel's memory mystery, Aziraphale and Crowley trying to help the record lady and the coffee shop lady fall in love, and then we have to talk about the bromance between Crowley and Aziraphale. Once it is revealed that Gabriel hid his own memory and that he fell for Beelzebub, and the romance between the record lady and coffee shop lady has started off, the attention is turned to the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale.

I admit, I thought that the bromance between the two (especially in the first season) was freaking adorable but to make it more into a romance thing.... -sigh- Well, anyways, Aziraphale is offered the supreme Archangel position in Heaven right before Crowley confronts him saying "if they can get away from all of this madness, why can't we?". Aziraphale is like "come to Heaven, be reinstated, and be my right-hand angel so we can work together" whereas Crowley kiss him ("there could have been an "us" ").

End of episode really just cuts off there, leaving an awkward and painful gap between the two as Crowley drives off (hurt) and Aziraphale takes an elevator to Heaven, being told about "we call it the Second Coming".

-sigh- I liked season one a lot and was soooo excited to see season two being announced but I was disappointed by this season and how everything went. I loved the bromance between Crowley and Aziraphale but trying to push the homosexual theme [between the record lady and the coffee shop lady, and between Crowley and Aziraphale] was tough to take. Live and let live, in my opinion, but this was way more than that. Like, why couldn't they promote love without promoting homosexuality? I mean, like "Frozen" was supposed to show that true love can be for one sibling to another without being about sex and incest and whatnot, this could have been really good. Why did they have to take it to the next level? Sure, the two shop keepers could have their thing but why did they have to make Crowley and Aziraphale go to the next level? Maybe that's why Aziraphale was like "ummm... we work together?". I don't know. The ending left a bitter taste in my mouth, metaphorically speaking, especially after the wait for the release of the second season.

Am I put off for watching the third season if they ever make it? No. I am interested and I hope that they redeem the series/characters.

Anyways, that's my show review/rant. Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment.

More reviews to come eventually.

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