Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Challenge - Writing (pt. 2)

I said that I would make a part two to finish off my challenge presented by S. Hunter Nisbet. Part one of the challenge is located here. This is the part two I said I would post. Better late than never. ;-)

What is the best writing advice that anyone has given you?
Put time aside for writing. {The problem with this is life likes to get in the way... And when I do sit down to write, my characters are sitting next to me throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to talk to me. It is hard being a writer....}

What advice would you give to another writer?
"Write what you know" - is bull, unless you want to go and research how others react, how they think (psychology), and all that kind of stuff; or unless you are writing a memoir.
It is good to write what you know but at the same time, we are writing to create stories that are not out in the world yet so how can you "know" it? CREATE!!

Also - SAVE your work. In multiple areas. I have had a few times where I saved it to one place and then could no longer get to that place - floppy drives are out of date now, fyi. Luckily, I had some of them printed off so I can retype them, if I want to.

What are your favourite writing sites or blogs that you turn to for help, tips or encouragement?
Twitter - hands down. Have not found a site/blog that I like aside asking writer buddies on Twitter opinions on things. Makes me a loner, slightly, but that's kinda how I like it. Yes, introvert and writer makes me a complicated antisocialist.
Suggestions are always welcome, especially with trying to get beyond road blocks in the tales [like the last 1.5 weeks has had].

Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing? What are your hobbies?
I enjoy playing Legos on PS2/Nintendo DS/GameCube: Legos Indiana Jones, Legos Star Wars, Legos Harry Potter years 5-7, Legos Pirates of the Caribbean.

I also enjoy watching Doctor Who, House MD, and a few other shows. I just spent the last few days watching the first season of Once Upon a Time. Good storyline and great characters! One character made me want to write, though I feel un-creative.

I consider myself to be a hobby artist/photographer/writer. Some of my photos can be seen on DeviantArt {margem.deviantart.com}, though I haven't updated that in a WHILE. I recently got my camera to work again, and fully charged, so I may be posting pics up there every so often to share some. Who knows....?

What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
Reading.....? >.> I'm reading "From a Buick 8" by Stephen King but I have only read like 80 pages in 4 months. Slowly....

What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?
Ummmm.... The Green Mile? Cat's Eye? Both based on Stephen King tales.

What is your favourite book or series of all time?
Book... Um.... I know what the (most favorite firsts) two books are but I can't remember the titles. Also can't find them in the books that I have on my shelf. They might still be in the garage. One is about a time traveler that uses the powers to better the world, making him nearly like a god and called himself (at the last of the tale) Loki.

The other is a post-apocalyptic tale about two characters trying to survive and, even with mutations and violence happening, they end up falling in nearly-love (mutual respect).
After researching and digging on the Internet 11/20/15, I found this tale:
"False Dawn" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Same description as above but I can't find my book.... :-(

I also like the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card. I love the sci fi behind it and how intelligent Ender is, even with him trying to atone for what he does in the first book.

Another mention would be "The Eyes of the Dragon" by Stephen King - fantasy, horror, mystery/crime all in one. Very thrilling. The first Stephen King I ever read.
And "The Dark Half" by Stephen King - the personification of a writer's pen name coming after the writer for revenge/survival. :-D

Who is your favourite author?
Science Fiction - Orson Scott Card
Horror - Stephen King

What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of your writing?
"Rest of the year" is 1.5 months. I hope to write more. Get over this blocky feeling. Maybe finish The Vala Wing tale finally (after 5 years, since it was my NaNoWriMo tale in 2010 under a different working title). I would also like to do some research for CfD and for CS, both of which are wanting to but silently refusing to be written. :-P

Where else can we find you online?
Twitter - Gracie_DeLunac

Facebook - GracieMaeDeLunac

GoodReads - Gracie-DeLunac

DeviantArt - Margem {Margem was my "pen name"/screen name before Gracie Mae DeLunac and haven't changed my name on there...}

I think that's everything. Question if you want to know more about me. ;-) Thanks for listening!

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