Saturday, January 16, 2016

Writing Word Count 2016 *Updating As Words Are Typed*

Probably not going to make the 1 Million Words Written in a Year, but I will try to keep track of what is typed. ;-) This post will be updated as words are typed. I clarify this as TYPED because I tend to handwrite stuff and forget (for almost a week) to type it. So this is to track the typed stuff. :-P

My Tales that I am Writing
Shadow of the Yule - #SotYNovel {herein noted as SotY}
The Vala Wing - #TheValaWing {herein noted as Vala}
Cloud Staircase - #CSNovel {herein noted as CS}
I'm Your Venus - #IYVNovel {herein noted as IYV}
Fuzzy Things - #FTNovel {herein noted as FT}
Monkey House - *unsure of tag due to conflict with title* {currently referred to as MH}

02/11/16 IYV +409: TOTAL 9605
02/10/16 SotY +151; Vala +34; FT +200: TOTAL 9196
02/08/16 MH +129: TOTAL 8811
02/05/16 SotY +220: TOTAL 8682
02/04/16 SotY +372; Vala +416: TOTAL 8462
02/03/16 Vala MS word count -9 [EDITING]
02/02/16 SotY +800: TOTAL 7674
02/01/16 SotY +322: TOTAL 6874

01/28/16 IYV +407: TOTAL 6552
01/27/16 SotY +126: TOTAL 6145
01/26/16 SotY +449; IYV +534: TOTAL 6019
01/25/16 IYV +160: TOTAL 5036
01/22/16 SotY +72: TOTAL 4876
01/21/16 SotY +251: TOTAL 4804
01/20/16 SotY +302: TOTAL 4553
01/19/16 SotY +257: TOTAL 4251
01/18/16 SotY +349: TOTAL 3994
01/17/16 SotY +56; Vala +102 : TOTAL 3645
01/16/16 SotY +184 : TOTAL 3.487
01/15/16 SotY +217 ; Vala +981 : TOTAL 3,303
01/14/16 SotY +197 : TOTAL 2,105
01/13/16 SotY +194 : TOTAL 1,908
01/12/16 SotY +1185 ; Vala +400 : TOTAL 1,714
01/11/16 SotY +80 : TOTAL 129
01/07/16 "12 Days of Writing" +49 : TOTAL 49
01/05/16 Vala = MS word count -104 [EDITING]

January Total: 6,552 Words Written = 211 words/day average

Start of 2016:
Shadow of the Yule = 0 words; started 1/11/16
The Vala Wing = 61,349
Cloud Staircase = 588 words
I'm Your Venus = 0 words; started 1/25/16

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