Sunday, July 25, 2021

Show Review: Anime "King's Game The Animation" 2017

This is a show review for the anime "King's Game The Animation", released in 2017. I watched this around May-June of 2021 via Funimation.


Genre: Horror, High School, Supernatural

Plot: A regular high school student named Nobuaki Kanazawa has recently moved to a new school. He stays off in the distance when dealing with his classmates but we do not learn about what happened to him until something strange starts happening to him. He and his classmates receive text messages saying that there will be a game played with the classmates all involved. If you do not pay attention to the rules, you will be punished. If you fail your tasks, you will be punished. By "punished", the game obviously means death. (We're talking Final Destination or Saw kind of deaths.) Nobuaki then reveals that he had to go through this game previously with his last class, but that all of his classmates had died. He literally tells them to take the game seriously and they do not believe him until one classmate starts spontaneously bleeding out of all orifices and pores of his body and dies in front of them. How can they survive? Can more than one survive? How far will people go to survive this game? Who is the King?


3.5/5 - *SPOILERS* This was an interesting anime but the ending was very anti-climatic. This is not an anime for those with weak stomachs or that do not like the look of blood. Many of the deaths are extremely graphic whereas others are implied. Either way, it really does give it a feel of Final Destination ("Did you feel the brutality of it?" and fighting against death's choice/plan). However, many "committing suicide" at the same time is hard to understand when the power behind the King's Game is never shown like Final Destination movies show death working to kill off the survivors. For this, I knock the rating down some. (Give me the supernatural power [or other people] killing off the people!)

Anyways, the ending....was much less than what I was expecting. I was rather disappointed. It was not very fulfilling (good or bad) and could not give a decent understanding. At least with Final Destination, we had the remaining survivor or last few and the knowledge of something isn't quite right. With King's Game (without giving more than moderate spoilers), it seems like there is no reasoning in the supernatural power behind the game. Death is easy enough to understand but to have some strange deaths (like twisting a head around without using anything) is just weird. What is this supernatural power, if not death? At the end, we don't know, honestly. So what does it want or how can it be stopped? Who knows, which is another reason why I knocked the rating down some. It is interesting but the logic behind this supernatural killing force is strange to say the least. *shrugs*

Do I suggest? Kinda yes but that ending really put me off so it is up to you. However, make sure that you are not squeamish nor have a low tolerance for super violence (for example: one character starts cutting off his own leg to make a human doll of body parts). Would I rewatch this show? Probably not but who knows what the future holds. I would love a sequel series or maybe watch the movie (2011).

Anyways, thank you for reading! More reviews to come eventually.

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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