Friday, January 26, 2024

Anime Show Review: "Good Night World" 10/12/23

This is an anime show review for "Good Night World". This show was released October 12, 2023 on the Internet. I watched this in January 2024 on Netflix with Japanese audio, English subtitles.



Unsure of which were the Japanese voice actors/actresses.


A game developer name Hojiro Arima created the world of PLANET. He also created his own character and joins the game, forming a party of four with none other than his IRL family - his two sons, himself and his wife. They have issues (emotional, grieving, trust issues, etc) in the real world but enjoy playing the game with each other in PLANET. The one rule that they have is to never ask each other about real life, so no one knows that they are an actual family IRL as well as in the game.

Something happens that changes the PLANET world: the end-game boss "Black Bird" shows up at their house in PLANET. The prize to defeat the Black Bird is 300 million yen. So all guilds and players want to go after it, but there is a trick to this ultimate boss: it is a virus that can kill you.

Can they survive? Where is the edge of reality? Can they figure out how to be a family in real life? What does it mean to "be human" or "alive"?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.

1/5 – Barely worth any time.

2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.

3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.

4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the show.

5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful show all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

4/5 - *SPOILERS*

This was an interesting show. It kept me on the edge and was very intriguing. However, I was wondering why they put the game developer into the game. Except for in Sword Art Online, I have not seen another game developer actually want to play in his/her own game. That seemed different and strange to me. Also, how did his assistant know that his real family was part of his in-game family but he didn't know?

The ending of the show was a bit vague because, like Taichiro said, "isn't is strange that we never found the bodies of dad and Kamuro?". He also saw the Red Dragon briefly at the end and paused for a minute. He said "sh*t" then walked away, with what looked like a glitch in the system at his back. Does this mean that the PLANET/Earth fusion didn't go away? Dad had said that both Asuma and Taichiro would be okay living in the fused world but he couldn't. Did dad only take himself out of it? There is a suggestion that this could be the case, since the fusion happened without putting on gear and therefore would not need the gear to be removed. Either way, the ending is not definite [kind of like the movie "Inception" playing with your mind wondering whether the main character actually got back or not because the top didn't fall over].

Anyways, I enjoyed this show. It is graphic - a character's head gets squished to her death, dad's legs get sliced off, etc. (When the character got her head squished, I was thinking "ELFEN LIED!!!!!!".) But it makes you think about what AI can actually do, what technology might accomplish/destroy in the future, and what creates humans [memories/feelings/thoughts are just electrical processes in the brain].

If there is a second season eventually, I would be interested in it. Would I be up for the manga? Maybe, but not right now.

Is it for everyone? No, definitely not. If you're squeamish, stay away. If you don't like sci fi, stay away.

That's my show review. Thank you for reading! More reviews to come eventually.

 ~ R

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