Saturday, December 5, 2015

Movie Review - "Super Troopers" 02/15/2002

Hubby wanted me to watch this with him so here's a review for "Super Troopers". This movie came out February 15, 2002.

Viewed via streaming online 12/03/2015.

WARNING! This is not appropriate for everyone due to drugs, sex, nudity, and language. But for the rest of us adults, here we go for the review!


Basically a bunch of state troopers mucking about and having fun messing around, this is about how their section is maybe going to get shut down due to budget issues. Can this handful of guys act serious enough to keep their job?

Oh, but a drug thing is also going on so what the heck can these troopers do? Go after the drugs. But stuff get in their way, aside just their stupidity.

No singular main character but one character does fall for a police officer woman who seems to have more brains than most of the guys in the state troopers division. *insert sex scene here and here and here*

Right at the beginning, a set of three teenage friends are driving down the road and see a state trooper. The two in the front freak out about their drugs and have the guy in the back eat it so they don't get caught with posession - marajuana and shrooms. They also dump some other drugs out the window and then the state trooper pulls back to pick it up and pull them over. It is a trippy scene which is pretty funny, even when you are watching sober. Here:

A lot of blocks of cocaine or crack or... I don't recall what kind they said it was but it is a major bust to find this much in the back of a semi truck trailer. And in a Winnebago.

They take some while they are watching a cartoon show ("Arabic anime") which is pretty lame, but the show seems to hold no meaning to English speakers without getting high.

The state troopers also drink a LOT, though they have to work. At one point, they were all so wasted drunk while they jumped into a car that I was thinking "this is NOT going to end well", though somehow it did manage to end well.

Let's see..... A state trooper wacking off in his car while looking at a hot chick's picture on a billboard is one. A horny German couple who stole a Porsche and the chick trying to get the state trooper to f**k her so to get out of a speeding ticket; the couple end up getting arrested and playing rough in one of the officer's homes. The one state trooper getting it on with the local police officer lady in the back of his car (where he has to bust the door off to get out) and getting it on in the impounded Winnebago [finding the stash of drugs].
Definitely not a kids movie. More of a "bite the lip and keep watching" kind of movie. ;-)

Didn't get in the way nor was too crazy.

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around – characters, music, theme, storyline, etc.

Honestly, I will put this at a 3.5/5. It was a good movie but the degredation of the role of officer was more that I would have liked. It was funny but at the same time I just wanted to turn it off. "Dumb and Dumber" meets "COPS", pretty much. If you don't want to see idiots as cops or cops as idiots, don't watch this. That's my main negative thing to say about this movie.

Would I watch it again? Maybe. Sure. Not something that I would think of watching right away for comedy, though.

Feel free to watch but you have been warned!

Oh by the way:

There is a Super Troopers 2 coming out in 2016. It was fully funded via indiegogo April 24, 2015. So if you like this movie, watch for the sequel!

[My hubby is looking forward to it... :-P ]

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