Friday, February 15, 2019

Movie Review: "Escape Plan 2" 06/29/18

This is my movie review for "Escape Plan 2: Hades" released June 29, 2018.



Sylvester Stallone                      Ray Breslin
Dave Bautista                            Trent Derosa
Xiaoming Huang                        Shu
Wes Chatham                           Jaspar Kimbral


Ray Breslin is known as the Houdini of breaking out of maximum security prisons. He has, since the first Escape Plan movie, created a team of experts that he has taught his ways so that they could help out getting people (hostages, for example) out of sticky situations safely. One situation, that we see at the beginning of the movie, finds that one of his students is not a team player and that lets one of the hostages get shot. The hostage dies from the wound and Breslin fires him.

Later down the timeline, one of the students named Shu is taking care of his cousin (nearly brother since they were raised together by Shu's cousin's parents) for the cousin's stag party. However, the two of them are captured because Shu's cousin is high up in a technological company and could be worth millions of dollars if they can get the tech out of him. They are sent to a maximum security prison and Breslin, with his group of experts, try to figure out how to get the two of them out. Of course, Breslin says that he would rather be in the prison than outside of it and, coincidentally, someone has that idea for him too. He is captured and put into the jail where Shu and Shu's cousin are. The main question, therefore, is can they get out alive?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - This movie was okay but did not live up to the expectations of the first movie, even with Stallone back playing the part of Breslin. The movie seemed like a Tron: Legacy meets Escape Plan (1) because it was all about technology. Robots for guards, robots for medical staff, plasma force doors, etc. There was no human element aside the prisoners, which they call "animals" since the prison is a "zoo". Sure, there is the prison warden which names himself the "zookeeper" but that man is rarely ever seen. Everything is technology.

There is a fight system set up that a number of prisoners (1x1 or 1x5 or 5x40 or whatever they deem is okay) where the winners go to a sanctuary with wall displays of waterfalls and flowering meadows and wonderful things. The losers are given less food and less human rights. So everyone is wanting to win the fights because they get more rewards. Of course, it is a way to make the prisoners more animalistic which makes the jailers even more just in the name calling of the zoo and animals.

Aside the technology, this movie is pretty lame. My Mister fell asleep while watching and I, having watched all of it, feel like it was kinda a waste of time. I would not recommend this movie nor will I watch it again.

That's my movie review! Thank you for reading.
More movie reviews to come so keep an eye out for them!

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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