Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Movie Review - "Blood Glacier" ("The Station") 10/27/13 (Austria)

This is a movie review for "Blood Glacier", released September 27, 2013 in Austria in German. I watched this 8/31/16 on Netflix in German with English subtitles.



Gerhard Liebmann ("Breathing" (2011) Walter Fakler, "The Dark Valley" (2014) Vater Lukas)     -   Janek
Edita Malovcic (4 Minutes (2004) Traude - jung, "The Bone Man" (2009) Anna)  -        Tanja

[Et. Al.]


Up in the mountains, a laboratory base {three scientists, a technician, and the tech's dog} studies a glacier. One of the stations stops transmitting data so the technician and one of the scientists go to check it out. They find that the glacier is, for reasons unknown at first, red. The scientist takes a sample and brings it back, but not before the scientist, tech, and tech's dog gets hurt. When they research into the stuff, they find that it could be a "gene laboratory" in a cell, pretty much. And when the animals of the area consume the stuff that is making the glacier red, they start incubating a mutant in their stomachs [even if the animal/human is not female]. The fun part about this is that the mutants are a combination of whatever the creature consumed as well as the creature itself. So, ibex (mountain goat) with fly, a fox-bear-beetle thing, a hawk-beetle thing, and many other creatures.    Oh, and let's have a person from the government (Minister Bodicek), her body guard, a guide from the local area, a person from the government's science labs [who happens to be the technician's ex significant other], and media come join the situation.  Can they survive the creatures and get out alive?

Rating Criteria
0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

1.5/5 - This was, for all sense and purposes, pathetic. The ideas of these mutant creatures was pretty nifty but it was poorly executed in my opinion. The horror of the creatures was never really expounded during the movie aside the fact that one guy was skewered by a hawk-beetle thing {and we never hear about him again after he hits the ground}, one scientist was running away from an ibex-fly thing and we do see the creature (briefly) smashing through a window but not much more of it, one gal gets skewered in the leg by the hawk-beetle thing, and a few other brief creature appearances. Seriously, for all the horror of the creatures, there should have been more details and more stand-offs. Aside trying to stay safe away from the creatures, there wasn't much to the movie.  Sure, *SPOILERS*, the technician and his ex seem to get back together but no kissing?

At one point, they saw multiple mutant mosquitoes bursting out of a media guy's neck but none of the other people in the group get bitten? Or do they get bitten and none admit it? But what about the creatures in the area that they didn't deal with? Are they going to do a "burn the area" containment thing or....?

And, *SPOILERS*, why the EFF would the tech's ex take the dog's mutant (which happens to be part dog, because it came from the dog, and part human because the dog licked the tech's blood up) with her away from the site?! I mean, get a brain, woman! Just because you aborted your child two years ago does NOT mean that you should take a mutant dog-human away from a mutant cesspool!! The technician was right to lunge to kill it because it is a mutant and killed the dog! Don't effin' take the stupid creature away from the station. The mutants in this case should all die, just for containment if anything! *frustrated with movie*

The ONLY saving point with this movie was the idea of how these creatures came around. I was very intrigued by it but there were so many holes of logic that I just looked at Netflix at the end of the movie and said out loud "Are you kidding?".

Recommendation: If you want to see some strange science crap, watch this but WARNING that it really is not a good movie aside the science and the creatures. Aside seeing the science stuff, this movie was not worth the time.

If you want a good creature horror flick, this is NOT the movie to watch.


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