Saturday, March 18, 2017

Movie Review: "Goosebumps" 10/16/15

This is a movie review of "Goosebumps", released October 16, 2015. I watched this on Netflix.


Jack Black ... Stine
Dylan Minnette ... Zach
Odeya Rush ... Hannah
Ryan Lee  ... Champ

Zach and his mom have just moved to a small town so that she can become the vice principal at the school. They are both having to deal with Zach's dad's death (when, they never say) so "a new start" is what they are looking for. Something that Zach isn't looking for is a mysterious girl next door that catches his eye and heart, but that's what happens. Her name is Hannah. Her dad is super weird and comes off as overprotective. One night, something happens to her that makes her scream and Zach tries to come to the rescue, all to no avail because there is no evidence of any harm. Zach recruits his new friend Champ to help him enter the house while Hannah's dad is out and they find her as well as a big bookshelf. All of the books on the shelf are Goosebumps books, and locked. The concensus between Zach and Champ is "What's the harm of unlocking a book?". [Did no one in the making of this movie or the characters themselves ever see "The Mummy" with Evie saying "No harm ever came from reading a book."?]

Anyways, there are creatures in the books and, whenever the books open, they come to life. So somehow a mannequin named Slappy gets out and creates havoc on the town (and on Hannah/Zach/Champ/Hannah's dad) by letting out all the creatures from all the books. Slappy also makes sure that the creatures are not captured by burning the books, so they can't be returned to the books.

Oh, and Hannah's dad turns out to be R.L. Stine, the author of the Goosebumps books and that's why he has all of the manuscripts to the books. Yay. So now we have to deal with garden gnomes, a giant mantis, an invisible boy, and many other Goosebumps monsters while they try to destroy the town. The police are not helpful (as we saw earlier with the whole "Hannah is screaming" thing and them being completely backwater idiots that can't take a hint or do their jobs) so it comes down to Stine, Hannah, Zach and Champ to figure out how to recapture all of the monsters. How can they survive all the creepy creatures and get them into a book? By Stine writing as they are fighting them. So.... yeah.

Rating Criteria
0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3.5/5 - It was an interesting movie but it definitely could have used more. I don't know what it could have done for improvement but at the end, I felt that I was missing something through the movie. Yes, Zach and Champ both had character development but it didn't help. I would have rathered watched the T.V. series instead of this movie, honestly.

For those of you that read the books and/or watched the T.V. series, you might enjoy it. For those that haven't, it seems to be missing something. Maybe it was just made for those who have read/watched Goosebumps so there could be nostalgia. I'm not sure but I was bummed... 3.5/5.

{Editted 04/10/17}
Everything Wrong with "Goosebumps" in 15 Minutes or Less

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