Saturday, January 23, 2021

Movie Review: "Shutter Island" 02/13/10 Germany

This is a movie review for "Shutter Island", first released February 13, 2010 at the Berlin International Film Festival, Germany. We watched this April 18, 2020. (Why? DiCaprio!)

Genre: Mystery, Thriller

Run Time: 2 Hours and 18 Minutes

Official MPAA Rating (According to

G / General Audiences

PG / Parental Guidance Suggested

PG-13 / Parents Strongly Cautioned

R / Restricted


Not Rated


Notable Cast

Leonardo DiCaprio ... Teddy Daniels

Mark Ruffalo ... Chuck Aule

Ben Kingsley ... Dr. Cawley

Max von Sydow ... Dr. Naehring

Michelle Williams ... Dolores


Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule are two US Marshals that have come to an island psychiatry ward (named Ashecliffe) for those that are criminally inclined. Most patients have committed murder or like acts, which is why they are at Ashecliffe. Teddy and Chuck are partners that have been sent to the island to help deal with a patient that has broken out and seemingly has disappeared. Can they find the patient? Is there something else going on with this psychiatry ward than just criminally inclined psych cases?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.

1/5 – Barely worth any time.

2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.

3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.

4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.

5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3.5/5 - *SPOILERS*

This is a strange movie... What you are watching at the beginning warps during the movie to give you a different story at the end. I honestly had no idea how to explain this so here's a YouTube video someone else did that will explain what happened.

"Shutter Island: Notice the Details"

Credit: Tyler Mowery

Through the movie, you see flashbacks about his wife but the details change through the movie. We also see hints about a little girl. There's one "patient" (not sure if the person is actually a patient or just a nurse playing as a patient?) that talks/acts like Teddy's wife, which makes him think about her more. At the end, we are told that Teddy's name is an anagram [jumbled up to make a different word] of Andrew Laeddis, who is the one who killed Teddy's wife. We also find out that Teddy/Andrew's wife killed their 3 children and then he killed her.

There are many people think that Teddy is actually a US Marshal that was set up to seem insane (perchance maybe his cigarettes or food/drinks are drugged?). Most people think that Teddy is actually Andrew, as the movie suggests. Personally, I do think the second option is the true way to view this movie but, as I have watched some other people judge this movie, this movie has many ways to confuse the viewer just to make us feel the shaky mental stability of Teddy/Andrew.

"Shutter Island: Deep or Dumb?"

Credit: Wisecrack

I would be interested in watching this movie again in the future but it is strange. I think this is a good movie to watch and I would suggest watching it, but not for young children because it is violent (or hints to violence).

I knocked the rating down because it was just so confusing mentally. It also had unnerving sound/music and lighting that it was a bit difficult to watch personally. I get that it was to unnerve us as viewers but it still makes it harder to watch, especially since the extreme light (when he gets migraines) is definitely something that I have to fight all the time as I am prone to migraines. That's why I have knocked it down to 3.5. It is a good movie but it is a bit difficult to watch, which makes it less enjoyable to me. ;-)

Anyways, that's my movie review. Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments/questions/thoughts. More reviews to come eventually so keep an eye out!

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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Twitter @gracie_delunac




"Shutter Island (2010) Ending Explained and Analysis"

Credit: FoundFix


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