Saturday, April 14, 2018

Movie Review: "Guardians of the Galaxy" 08/01/14

This is a movie review for "Guardians of the Galaxy", released August 1, 2014. I watched this on the television (months prior to the typing of this review so give me a break....).



Chris Pratt ... Peter Quill
Zoe Saldana ... Gamora
Dave Bautista ... Drax
Vin Diesel ... Groot (voice)
Bradley Cooper ... Rocket (voice)
Lee Pace ... Ronan
Karen Gillan ... Nebula
John C. Reilly ... Corpsman Dey
Glenn Close ... Nova Prime


Five criminals (various crimes from theft, murder, etc.) are accidentally thrown together into a rag-tag group to save the world. An item that "Star-Lord" Peter Quill stole from an abandoned planet turns out to be something that can devastate a planet with a simple touch. Essentially, this gem (contained within an orb for safe keeping) will send a wave to kill everything on the planet. So these five get together to keep it away from the bad guy, though Gamora is supposedly one of the bad guy's daughters [actually stolen from someone else but that's another story]. Let's just stand for the galaxy and defend it. Oh, will we have to find a way to guard it too? No way.... Is that why they are called Guardians of the Galaxy? "Shocking."

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3.5/5 - *SPOILERS*
First off, the ending of the movie was predictable. Of course they would survive and become the Guardians of the Galaxy by banning together against this powerful gem. So everyone who touches it it practically wiped out? Well, we'll hold hands together and combine our wills/strength/luck to survive it. Of course! Why would it be any other way?

Secondly, the character development of the individuals was not very noticeable. The main thing that changed was the fact that they banned together as a group and decided to stick together. Why? I don't know aside convenience. Like, if they had different characters, would the group still be together? Probably. The whole "we got thrown in together so we're stuck together, first forced upon us and now by choice" thing was just not very pleasing for me. Sure, Quill saved Gamora at one point by giving her a mask to survive being in space but that doesn't mean that she has a reason to stick to him later, does it? Those that are mercenaries would thank you for saving them and leave, so why didn't this group? It seemed like they were perfectly fine alone beforehand (with the exception of Groot and Rocket being a team before the five were thrown together). Oh, but we need to stay together to make sure this gem is safe against anyone else. Keep it in the orb and it will be safe! You don't need to bring a weapon of mass destruction out. Period.

Thirdly, I liked the music. A little "old timey" for newer generations but much better than the pop music out there. That saved it at least a half star. See the title scene (after the "before the story" story) at the 2 minute mark:

@CinemaSins ' "Everything Wrong with Guardians of the Galaxy"

Thanks for reading my review!
~ Gracie

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