Sunday, April 15, 2018

Movie Review: "The Purge: Anarchy" 07/18/14

This is a movie review for "The Purge: Anarchy", released July 18, 2014 in the United States. I watched this via On Demand with Xfinity back in November/December, so I might be a little rusty (sorry).


Frank Grillo ... Sergeant
Carmen Ejogo ... Eva Sanchez
Zach Gilford ... Shane
Kiele Sanchez ... Liz
Zoƫ Soul ... Cali
Justina Machado ... Tanya

The Purge is an annual event that allows everyone to commit nearly any crime they want, to nearly anyone they want,  and with nearly any weapon they want. If you're caught on the street, you might as well kiss your life/ass good-bye. This year (2023) is no different. Three groups find themselves on the streets during Purge - one by purpose to go exact revenge for his son's death, two by accident when a gang sabotages their car prior to the event so they can be prey, and two by accident when the government ransacks their apartment and drags them to the streets. All five need to find a way to survive and, some how, they all manage to get together into a group to find a way to do so. Through many struggles against the corrupt government harvesting poor for the rich to slaughter, the gang coming after the one couple, and other madness that the Purge allows, can they survive until the event is over? Will the one guy get his revenge? Will the corruption of the higher society be revealed?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - This movie was violent but it was better than the first movie. The first movie was an over-dramatized house break-in. This one had a larger scope since it was 'survive the streets'. Why the people didn't try to hide more often was a huge problem for me. If you knew the streets were bad, why didn't you find a place to go? Also, for the one couple, why the heck would you go grocery shopping RIGHT before the Purge was about to start? Are car issues like a dead battery or a flat tire or the starter going out not a thing in 2023?

They did bring in the stranger from the first movie, though not for a lot of time. He was basically part of the "Anti-Purge" group that was trying to stop the rich peoples' personal Purge sessions.

The one main thing that saved this movie was the ending. *SPOILERS* Sergeant was gunning for the man that had killed his son prior in a drunk driver accident. At the end, he finally gets there to 'gain revenge' but we find out that he did not kill the man. Instead, the man saves him from one of the big Pro-Purge guys on his lawn by shooting the Pro-Purge guy in the head. I say that this ending saved the movie's rating because it proved that not everyone has to kill to get revenge or to make things even. Just breaking into someone's house and reminding them of your son is good enough to make you sleep at night. Why kill when you can force the photo of your dead son into the drunk driver's face? *The Purge: Anarchy logic*

Decent movie. Higher suggestion for this one than the first one, but not the best of the series. Dystopian society? Check. Logic? Little, but check. Violence to make the world better? Why is this even a thing?

I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of time but I wouldn't watch it over again, personally. View at your own risk.

@CinemaSins ' "Everything Wrong with The Purge: Anarchy"

Thanks for reading my review!
~ Gracie


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