Sunday, April 15, 2018

Movie Review: "The Purge: Election Year" 07/01/16

This is a movie review for "The Purge: Election Year", released in the United States on July 01, 2016. I watched this through On Demand with XFinity back in November/December, so please be patient with my forgetfulness. Working a full time job over 5-6 days during the week takes its toll on writing, ya know.


Frank Grillo ... Leo Barnes
Elizabeth Mitchell ... Senator Charlie Roan
Mykelti Williamson ... Joe Dixon
Joseph Julian Soria ... Marcos
Betty Gabriel ... Laney Rucker

The Purge is an annual event that allows everyone to commit nearly any crime they want, to nearly anyone they want,  and with nearly any weapon they want. This year is an election year and they've changed the rules some. The New Founding Fathers have approved of attacking higher level society - NONE are exempt from the Purge. Why? Because one lady, Senator Roan, is causing a ripple effect in the country and the New Founding Fathers want to get rid of her. So everyone is game because of her, though she's working to end the Purge. Thanks, Roan. Can you survive the night? If Roan survives, can she win the election to become President of the US and end the Purge?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3.5/5 - Dystopian society? Check. Quest for vengeance for the murder of main character's whole family (15 years ago) by stopping the yearly Purge? Working on it, so check. Politics being worse than politics because of the Purge and trying to kill the one that would stop said Purge? Check. Unnamed character from last movie suddenly getting a real name? Like the second movie for Joe (the stranger in the first movie that got the Sandin family in trouble and got a name in the second movie), one of the unnamed characters in movie two ("Sergeant", the one out for revenge for the murder of his son by a drunk driver) got a name in the third movie; check. Excessive stupidity about finding ways to survive? Not as bad as the second movie. Leo, whom is the security head guy for Senator Roan and whom also happens to be Sergeant in the second movie, actually has become wiser about how to hide from attackers during the Purge. His strategies to keep the Senator safe during the Purge were thrown out the window when a mole allowed attackers to enter the house, but somehow there was an escape hatch that only Leo knew about so they got out of the house mostly safe [a bullet in the shoulder wouldn't make a 100% perfect escape]; docked for the "only the head guy knows about the escape hatch" idea. Oh, and the bullet has a tracker in it. How the hell, I don't know which is why I docked the score for it.

Somehow, in the whole Purge nation, Leo and the Senator run into Joe (whom now owns a convenience store that, unfortunately and ironically, lost Purge insurance hours before the Purge) and his store worker Marcos. Somewhere in the movie, Joe had suggested to Marcos that he would like him as a partner, not just a worker. *foreshadowing!* *SPOILERS* Joe dies so Marcos has to take over the shop.

Anyways, a friend of Joe's (that was at his shop before the Purge and is a supposed badass) has an emergency vehicle for Purge nights that she drives around helping people that seem to be in distress and takes them to safe locations away from purgers.

I like the idea that Laney is just trying to help people survive the Purge but why the hell would you go out in that sh*t? Just putting your neck on the line to help others might get you killed, even if just by an accidental ricochet or something like that. That's why the emergency services (Police, Fire Fighters, Ambulances) are not in service during the Purge. So why would you, Laney? Docked for this.

There were other things that I did not like, for example the blatant "let's kill the Senator so that we can keep the Purge" plot. It was the MAIN plot! So what if she's on the radar for the Purge? The other people shouldn't be trying to go out of their way to attack her unless maybe they think she really is a threat. But why aren't you high falootin' society folks worried about your own 'carnal' urges? Why focus on her?

*SPOILERS* Roan barely survives (which I don't see how) and wins the election. The Purge is canceled and a lot of the Purge followers [and of the New Founding Fathers] go nutso on a non-Purge night because 'we want our Purge': Riots, looting, attacking police officers, etc.

I found it funny to see the trailer says "Keep America Great" during the summer that Donald Trump was running for President with his phrase "Make America Great Again". Foreshadowing? Hopefully NOT!
Here's a great spot teaser for this movie that I just had to laugh when I saw it, surfing for the ending scene. Keep America Great with the Purge. It is so terrible (considering the timing to real life election procedures) that it is funny.

@CinemaSins ' "Everything Wrong with The Purge: Election Year"

So do I recommend this movie? The Election Year was the best of the three, with Anarchy in second and the original one in third place. It wasn't the best movie of all times, mind you, but Election Year was definitely the best of the series in my opinion. I think I liked it the best of the three because it brought in more motivation to end the Purge "holiday". It wasn't just survival; it was politics and had more "meat" to the story. For horror, this is pathetic in my opinion. I wouldn't think a second viewing to be a complete waste of time but similarly I think I wouldn't vote to watch it again. Watch it if you wish, but it seems to be just a time filler.

Thanks for reading my review!
~ Gracie


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