Saturday, April 14, 2018

Movie Review: "Shivers" 07/06/1976

This is a movie review for "Shivers", released July 06, 1976. Watched this via on-demand with Xfinity.



Paul Hampton ... Roger St. Luc
Joe Silver ... Rollo Linsky
Lynn Lowry ... Nurse Forsythe
Allan Kolman ... Nicholas Tudor (as Alan Migicovsky)
Susan Petrie ... Janine Tudor


In an island apartment building (complete with all the amenities anybody could ever want), a sickness has taken hold. A parasite is infecting the inhabitants and making them mad: crazy for sex and mutilation/destruction, but mostly sex. Logic is out the window. Can any of the inhabitants survive? Can they find a cure? Can they stop the infection?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - This movie took a lot of effort to watch. True, a lot of older movies are more difficult to watch due to less spectacular effects and potentially slower plot line movement but this one took most of the movie to get to the "oh wow, this is getting interesting" feeling. The infection was slow at first, with someone investigating the death of a doctor who committed suicide after killing a (college?) student by pouring acid on her stomach. After that, they had to figure out those that might have had contact with the two victims. Some time later, the infection started to spread. *SPOILERS* By the end of the movie, all were either dead or sex zombies. It was even suggested that they left the building after all were infected so that they could spread it to everyone else.

Okay, so infectious disease affecting more than a small group of people is intimidating. However, sex zombies? People infected causing damage and just wanting to have a massive orgy? Not that great of a plot but okay. I could see how this would be more creepy in the past but it almost seemed cheesy. Horrors nowadays are much more defined in detail instead of a creepy monster that leaves a blood trail in the basement. Yes, "Alien" and other jump-at-you horror movies still don't have the creatures defined which is one of their things but once you saw the creature that had infected the people of this building, the reaction is just "seriously?". If I recall (it's been months since I watched this movie), it was a slug that could potentially get into your digestive system. Like get some of the blood into your mouth and it takes you over? I don't remember exactly but I wasn't impressed with it very much. My mister ended up walking away from it so I had to finish watching it later by myself.

1970s horror film? Check. Suggested? Not necessarily but I don't have any other 1970s films to compare it to so yeah, sorry about that. If you want to, feel free! I wouldn't waste my time watching this again, though.

Thanks for reading my review!

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