Monday, April 13, 2020

Movie Review: "Magic Mike XXL" 7/01/15

This is my movie review for "Magic Mike XXL", released July 1, 2015. I watched this movie in June of 2019.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music
Run Time: 1 hour and 55 minutes


(Noteable) Cast

Channing Tatum ... Mike
Joe Manganiello ... Big Dick Richie
Kevin Nash ... Tarzan
Gabriel Iglesias ... Tobias
Matt Bomer ... Ken
Adam Rodriguez ... Tito
Amber Heard ... Zoe


It has been 3 years since "Magic Mike". Dallas, owner of the club where the Kings of Tampa danced, has gone international with The Kid. The rest of the troupe has one last dream: dance for the yearly male strippers convention. Can they get Mike to come along though he has "succeeded" in getting a new life with Brooke, or so they thought?

Unfortunately, Brooke rejected Mike and he lost that "dream life" that he wanted, so why not go on a road trip? So the Kings of Tampa troupe are going on a road trip, starting to see the end of their male entertainment career ending and looking towards the future. What can go wrong? Will they make it to the convention and can they enter? What will they do to make this "final performance" one to remember?

Official MPAA Rating (According to
G / General Audiences
PG / Parental Guidance Suggested
PG-13 / Parents Strongly Cautioned
R / Restricted
Not Rated

Rating Criteria
0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3.5/5 - *SPOILERS* *STROBE warning!*
Honestly, if you don't like road trip movies, you won't like this movie. If you don't like male entertainers, you won't like this movie. If you don't like dancing, get out of here because you DEFINITELY won't like this movie.

Better story line that then first film, in my opinion, but it was sad that Brooke left him even though he had been out of the entertainment industry, had his own company, his own place, etc. It was a bit sad because the guys are aging and male stripper jobs are for younger men, but it was good to have a good "final last thing" before they moved on and it was good to see them all have dreams (which pulled into their own last dance).

On the road, they run into a group of people at a club. One of these folks is a gal named Zoe. For some reason, I don't remember what, she is a bit sour/bland. Since Mike is no longer with Brooke, it is just the perfect person for him to start working his magic on to make her feel better. And, when they end up at her mom's huge house and the gals are flirting with the troupe.... Zoe's mom hooks up with Big Dick Ritchie (wow, she took the whole cock that night, he says to the gang, which most women don't because it is soooo big) and since they just busted their van up, she loans them her ex's car [talk about trusting!].

Good dance scene by Magic Mike, closer to the beginning of the movie:

Making the cashier smile was the best scene of the movie. This is a moment where the guys are going into character development - can we make our own acts instead of using our old acts that we used under Dallas' reign?

So here's the ending of the movie. These are probably not in order but...

Tarzan's last performance, much more sophisticated than what he did under Dallas' reign but not very erotic:

Ken's last performance, though not erotic it really does show his sensitive side:

I didn't really like Ritchie's dance but the singer's voice is hot.

Tito's performance:

And the last dance of the movie, bringing in Zoe again. Yeah, let's make her less uptight somehow. Why not dance over her.....? I think that the choreography of this dance is amazing but this dance overshadows the other dances, which is why I had to bring the other guys' performances into the review because each of the guys deserve their own spotlight.

Anyways, the movie was pretty good. The character development was fairly good as all of them started to think for themselves (regarding their performances and what they wanted to do with life after being a male entertainer). Zoe was not much to be seen but at least she definitely did have a smile on after the last dance with Mike, but I hope Mike isn't just trying to find the next Brooke-wannabe. In my opinion, he needs to move on without having to be tied to such women but that's just me.

There is no drug reference/abuse here so a huge step above the first movie.

Well, that is my movie review. I don't know what else to say about it. :-P

Thanks for reading! More movie reviews will come later so keep an eye out for them.

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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Twitter @gracie_delunac


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