Sunday, November 11, 2018

Movie Review: "The Birds" 03/29/1963

This is a movie review for Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", released March 29, 1963.



Rod Taylor                   Mitch Brenner
Jessica Tandy               Lydia Brenner
Suzanne Pleshette      Annie Haywood
Tippi Hedren               Melanie Daniels


^ Alfred Hitchcock's intro to this film

When the young woman Melanie (from San Francisco) meets a charming man named Mitch that teases her, she tries to pull a joke on him by getting a pair of lovebirds for his sister's birthday. When she goes to drop them off, she finds out from a neighbor of his that he is from a small coastal town called Bodega Bay and went home for the weekend, she decides to deliver them herself. Melanie starts liking the area and finding herself sticking around to spend more time with Mitch. While she is there in Bodega Bay, Mrs. Brenner's chickens start acting strange and then the birds (crows etc.) start attacking the townsfolk, including a seagull attacking Melanie while she is on a skiff.

Why are the birds attacking? Can the people survive?

Rating Criteria

0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - *SPOILERS*

I heard so much about this movie being a classic to watch and, aside "Psycho", this was my top to-see movies from Alfred Hitchcock. Though in color, this movie was not what I expected. The plotline was bland though the "why are the birds attacking" plot was interesting. So a gal wanted to show one up to a guy she just met but her real intent is to flirt with him? Lame.

I thought it was interesting that one "bird expert" didn't want to believe her (being attacked personally and with the kids leaving the school) until the birds attacked the town, somehow causing an explosion at the gas station. I also found the death of the Brenner's neighbor via birds breaking in to his bedroom to be weird and awesome.

Also, to have one woman blaming Melanie for the weird bird behavior/attacks because it started after she arrived was very much like a "witch hunter" attitude. I'm glad Mitch stood up for her on that point.

The reason for the attacks and the massing of so many different species of birds was never figured out. Those that weren't attacked denied it happening until they were also attacked. The radio in the movie also said that other places were being attacked so maybe it was a wider epidemic than just Bodega Bay, but still no explanation was given for it aside "birds are just tired of humans" or something like that. Of course the movie was more about the characters trying to survive but I wanted to know why this happened.

It is a decent movie but not appropriate for younger children. The dead farmer's bird ravaged body in bed was graphic and Melanie gets brutally attacked in the Brenner's farmhouse when she found a room upstairs that had a hole in the roof. I don't blame her for going a bit berserk at the end when she sees all of the land and landscape covered in birds because the attack was traumatizing.

Watch at your own peril. You may or may not like it. I'm glad I watched it because it had been on my to-watch list for a while and I can now say "yes, I saw it" but that I didn't necessarily love it.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading. Feel free to contact me if you wish.

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

Twitter @gracie_delunac


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