Sunday, November 18, 2018

Movie Review: "Geostorm" 10/20/17

This is a movie review for "Geostorm", released October 20, 2017.



Gerard Butler                         Jake Lawson
Jim Sturgess                           Max Lawson
Abbie Cornish                       Sarah Wilson
Alexandra Maria Lara        Ute Fassbinder
Daniel Wu                             Cheng Long
Eugenio Derbez                   Al Hernandez
Amr Waked                          Ray Dussette
Adepero Oduye                   Eni Adisa
Andy Garcia                        President Andrew Palma
Ed Harris                             Leonard Dekkom


To help prevent major natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, etc., the world came up with a program called Dutch Boy. It is named after the story of the Dutch boy that diverted a dam flooding the town by plugging it up by putting his thumb/finger into a hole that had developed.
This program has a space station to be the main control center for all of these hundreds of satellites set up around the world (in the atmosphere), which each is supposed to monitor and adjust the weather/atmosphere as needed to prevent said disasters.

Anyways, the main person in charge (Jake Lawson, played by Gerard Butler) is kicked off of the program due to differences in view between himself and the United States government. His brother, Max Lawson, takes over as main man in charge but is under the government's thumb/control.

Years pass and suddenly there is a malfunction with the Dutch Boy. How can we fix it? Get Jake and send him up to the space station that is the main hub for controlling so to figure out what happened to the Dutch Boy. And things continue to happen which makes us wonder, can the world survive? Is this a mere coincidence? Can they stop the chain of events before it goes to critical (a geostorm that would never be able to be stopped and would destroy the world)?

Rating Criteria
0/5 – No value whatsoever. Absolute waste of time.
1/5 – Barely worth any time.
2/5 – Pathetic but has a bit of something to hold the attention a little.
3/5 – Somewhat kept the attention but could definitely have used more.
4/5 – Good, but not awe-strikingly amazing. Could have maybe used a bit more to the movie.
5/5 – Go see it! Wonderful movie all around. – characters, music, theme, story line, etc.

3/5 - *SPOILERS*
First, Gerard Butler is awesome as always but this isn't his best role. But dealing with the movie, the plot seems okay but also very simple. They make up with the special effects and a few twists (of which some are predictable). Like "could it be sabotage? But who could be behind it?". Umm, political influence was definitely my first guess. I didn't guess the Secretary of State who wanted power… My first thought was that it would be the President but Secretary of State trying for all of the power, to the point of trying to kill off all of the line of power ahead of him (if the President dies, then it goes to the Vice President, then....). Oh and let's just kill off civilians so we can keep the power of the Dutch Boy in America. Call it greed! That is the main plot of the movie: someone using technology (that happens to play "God" with weather) to get power.

So, Jake had to get a message to his brother Max via a monitored line (from the space station down to Washington D.C.): sabotage and high government involvement. He uses a code and my response was "Nice code, by the way. Sad that your dad never took you fishing but good to know that your brother remembered the code AND the phone number!"

Oh, and very coincidental that the brother is dating a Secret Service gal who so happened to have the level of clearance to figure out the plot of the Secretary of State planning to murder everyone above him for power using Dutch Boy. Seriously, where is the realism supposed to be in this movie?!

Jake surviving the explosion of the space station (with the main engineer staying behind and showing up PERFECTLY at the moment she is needed) was ridiculous. Sure, you need to keep your promise to your daughter that you'd come back but you supposedly have been terrible at keeping promises before this so... Let's just inexplicably and unrealistically save the day and do a Hail Mary to be saved, to be saved miraculously by the crew that had left the soon-to-explode station earlier. This really dropped the rating down. They should have let him go down with the station like Armaggedon's Harry Stamper did to miraculously save the world at last minute, in my opinion.

And the fishing at the end? Unnecessary, but decent try for "getting along better".

Good special effects with the destruction and freezing and melting and whatnot: big kudos for those!

In my personal opinion, this movie should have been closer to 1.5/5 because it was terrible (plotline, character development, etc.) but was redeemed by the decent special effects to make it a 3/5. Without the special effects showing the weather catastrophes, it definitely would have been given a lower rating.

Anyways, that's my review. Highly recommended for the special effects but very highly not recommended if you want good character development and decent plotline.

Thanks for reading! More reviews to come, as always, so keep a look out for them.

~ Gracie Mae DeLunac

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Twitter @gracie_delunac

CinemaSins' "Everything Wrong with Geostorm"


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